Thursday, August 28, 2014

My "New Standards"

/*yay for my weekend...its finally here and I have only been waiting on it all wee-k....
Gosh I cannot believe its almost Labor Day..ok enough rambling but on to my idea for the next chapter

So who has standards in their life that they haven't been living...ummm this girl right here.
I was raised a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Southern Baptist...when I was with my great grandparents growing up I would go to SB church and with my parents I would attend LDS church, although not on a regular basis ....(more on my conversions story later...its good I promise)

Fast forward to now...I am a Latter Day Saint....and I am turning a new leaf on relationships.
If you are not LDS, you are probably questioning what this means....
In a nut shell it means this...
-Thinking about the future
- holding up temple standards...not letting things go to far

While I am not sure what the next chapter in my life holds I am sure of one thing, I keep coming back to is religion so no more having one foot in and one foot out ...Im trying with both fee in, no looking back and sights on the future.

Wish me luck as I am sure this will bring issues and blessings that I have never had the opportunity of facing before...

I think tomorrow can be an update to the job search ....almost landed one at a great place and have decided to try out my degree again....teaching little humans

Saturday, August 23, 2014

African Safari...JOB

A hunt for a snail in the African Safari 

Now that I am all graduated, an aspect that I am trying to put much consideration into is the idea of a J O B..

I have no problem finding one so here's the kicker..I am wanting a career...ya know the one I can delve the next 15-20 years of my life into, then get horribly burnt out and find a different career until I get to retire...sound easy ?? Well its not, or at least hasn't been for this chicka

Makes ya wonder...I did the whole graduate high school and go to college and graduate...with honors, although my degree is specialized..Cherokee Studies...its very versatile when applied with my working background...

I am an ex Actor, ex college student, ex teacher, ex I sell vacations to people

Perhaps we will get into what all I have considered but for now lets just stick with... I will find something that does not seem like work everyday and hopefully that will happen in the next year :) 

the journey...At tHis poInt

I have made a new blog more, just to get caught up from the last year

School: took the LSAT, might take it again, considering law school

Job: no longer a server, but a vacation specialist, and currently searching , open to suggestions

Love: rough year to say the least, changing my standards, setting them high

Faith: no changes there but trying to get back on track

   Well this last year has had a lot of highs and lows...but the good news...I am on the other side .... I MADE IT !!! and trust me there were times when I did not think I would....
   I made a tough decision at the start of summer and decided to move home to the OBX which always gets me back to being grounded and now its time to not look back and reach for the stars

Oh I cannot do a post today without mentioning one is my Mom's birthday...So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a woman who is truly my hero and who I can only try and live up to.

Basically from here on I am going to look forward...not behind at the past, I am using my experiences to influence the future and how that looks for me lets see how this crazy ride takes shape and where the path leads

Sunday, July 7, 2013

and ....I believe in you

sorry for being away....its called im a server and it was 4th of July= record breaking numbers at my restaurant :)

I got to talk to one of my favorite peeps today, which is a rarity you see
We are both super busy and his business is waaayy more important than my business
Soo this post is about him , I suppose

I have known him since High school...I can actually remember the first time we was in this weird pseudo English class freshman year and all the girls liked I recall HAHA
Well turned out he sorta didn't like the other girls...he kinda liked me
Thus began our cute dating history for the next oh little while of high school
Well we broke up somewhere along Junior year and didn't talk again for oh about 4 + years....
Then thru the amazingness of FB we ran across each other....about a year and a half ago and have not stopped talking since....
He's the friend where you haven't spoken in that long and then you do, and its right back to normal..ya know talk about anything and everything.....and he is comfortable a chair hahaha
No more like FAMILY kind of comfortable

Soo after that lovely conversation....I watched a little movie that I picked up at your local Redbox and it was Open Road
yall this was the best movie
I have seen in a long
Guess you could say I have a soft spot for someone trying to find their way , a slight romance and someone they have lost along the way finding their way back....
Soo WATCH IT !!!!!!!
And I had to include a lil quote from my convo...cuz this my girls is what ya need to hear from ppl in your life : "Wow. Ok you caught me off guard on that one." "You are beautiful in everyway..."
Don't let these kinds of friends go ...girlfriends...theres a reason hes lasted this long and on that is :)

Friday, July 5, 2013

A little more about me...I kiinda left out some stuff

So first off I am in my early 20's going to be mid twenties in a few short years but hey not there yet soo still rocking it :)
I taught ....and elementary grade...and decided that was NOT for me

...acted for 10 years...professionally
...went to college in a very small town
....lived on an island...lived in a big city
...had a crazy roommate, moved out from same abode of crazy roommate
...won a Tony...yes for realz

...lived on  the Rez trying to be healthy...which means lots of eating healthy and lots of working out considering a move...I just want to throw a pin at a map and go where it to that point passionate
...kind. Food being creative my JOB
...easily amused simple things a Latter Day Saint
Hmmm im sure I left out some things but for now theres a lil more about me
Here is my fav. Pinterest find for you to mull over for the day after the 4th ...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th...Americas Birthday and a lil more about mwaahh

Happy Birthday America!!!!

On a day like today , cookouts are customary. However when one has to work on the 4th and has for the past few years....its best to indulge in what you can  :)
That means I chowed down on some awesome RIBS mmmmmmmmm and potato salad and a snow cone....yes you read right....a good ol fashioned, drippy, snow cone
and yes im sure I turned into this little white cat while eating wana compare tongues ?????

Soo on this day I cant help but think how lucky I am to be here celebrating this holiday, even if it is by working....soo coffee table gossip today

Im stuck.....on a guy that I have been in and out of love for the past 7ish years
am notorious for meeting people like crazy and talking to actor boy that's new and sounds intriguing or a pilot ....but our schedules cannot match up.....hmmmm we will have to see which one unfolds .....til wishes and best dishes and loveliness from my life to yours. (yes that was Paula Deen inspired)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blah Blah...a case of the Mondays..a day late

So today has just been ...BLAH.....ya know this kind of blah....
It should probably be stated that I love yes shes going to be in bits and pieces of things.
Soo heres my randoms from today...
Why does religion living a belief system have to be soo hard.
I know all good things come through trials and take effort....ok gotcha. I have this idea of the person that I want to be or at least this ideal...will I ever get there ...probably not entirely but at least a semblance of what I want...I sure hope so.
This always gives me hope that I can do what I know to be right and that I want to live up to something bigger.
However the daily grind of that gets my off course sometimes....for me I have realized that I have given up too many times. God is always with me and He never gives up on me. But me, now that's a whole other story. I have to stop going when the running gets tough.
James 1:12 "Blessed is the man who that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him."
Here is my other super random thought...Ive been on this amazing workout kick for the past month thanks to a friend who motivated me by doing an Iron Man that please...its intense!!
Crazzy awesome workouts!!!!!   This is what I I do all the rounds...not most of the I do that many reps....nope   but I do what I can , when im not so BLAH and it rocks !!